IP Valuation for an Investment Index

Can intellectual property serve as a matrix for smart investment decisions? A major investment bank was eager to embrace the concept of IP in its investment decisions. In particular, it was keen to get a novel perspective on the technology potential of emerging markets. Our Approach We developed an IP based investment index that provided […]
FRAND Royalty Rate Determination of Standard Essential Patents

How can standard essential patents be valued? What is the FRAND (fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory) value of standard essential patents? Our Approach Given the increasing need to determine the value of Standard Essential Patents for licensing purposes, we engaged in a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the art. We assessed existing international case […]
IP Valuation and IPO

OxFirst Board member Professor Graham Richards founded Oxford Molecular Ltd in 1989. It was the first spin-out from Oxford University in which the University had founder’s equity as a result of its owning the intellectual property following UK’s Prime Minister’s transfer of the ownership of government funded research to universities. Our Approach The start-up company […]
Licensing & Valuation Strategy for Electronic Waste Recycling

OxFirst’s IP Valuation enabled the formulation of an IP strategy for the recycling of electronic waster. With millions of cell phones, tablets and PCs thrown away every year, finding a solution to the recovery of potentially useful resources from such trash is essential. This was undertaken in the spirit of social entrepreneurship. Our Approach OxFirst […]
Developing an App for the Recognition of Fingerprints of Children

Recognizing the fingerprints of adults is an easy job, but how do you recognize the fingerprints of children? Their fingerprints evolve with age and don’t remain constant. This tech company had figured it out and we helped them come to grips with the value of their intellectual property. Our Approach OxFirst valued the opportunity for […]
IP Valuation for FRAND Risk Assessment

A supplier of audio equipment was in the process of being acquired by another supplier in the same sector. The firm to be acquired allegedly violated Standard Essential Patents (SEPs). The acquiring firm was hence concerned with the risk associated with potentially high licensing rates. We were approached to a) determine the rationale for determining […]
IP Valuation for Investment Purposes

This high-tech firm had already received around 3 Million UK £ Pounds in seed funding, but was in need to attract further funding. Working on a game-changing technology with a wide range of applications, it owned a series of international patent applications. Oxfirst was invited to undertake a valuation of the patent portfolio and provide […]
IP Valuation for Organ Regeneration

This start-up had the twin purpose of seeking to save lives, while at the same time generating attractive returns for its investors. Core to its business was the aggregation of patents in this nascent technology space. Hence, the question was raised, which patents to aggregate and which patents not to pursue. Our Approach Oxfirst supported […]
IP Valuation for Patent Sales

Our Contribution OxFirst was invited to undertake an independent assessment of the patents subject to the transaction and asked to determine an adequate price for the technology transfer. This implied a comprehensive due diligence of the IP at stake, a study of the technological and legal strength and a thorough investigation of the market size […]
IP Valuation in Emerging Markets

A major international development bank was eager to integrate better the IP component in its overarching approach to financing innovation in developing countries. Our Approach We offered an overview of IP monetization techniques and illustrated at the example of a host of case studies how these can be applied in an emerging markets context. We […]