Licensing and Valuation of Standard Essential Patents – Setting the record straight on the Present Value-Added Approach

Licensing and Valuation of Standard Essential Patents – Setting the record straight on the Present Value-Added Approach The European Commission’s Expert Group on the Licensing and Valuation of Standard Essential Patents’ (EO8000, subsequently ‘the EC Expert report’)[1] sought to elaborate on various approaches that allow to value standard essential patents and determine FRAND (fair, reasonable […]
Economic Perspectives on FRAND

Economic Perspectives on FRAND This paper aims at clarifying basic elements of FRAND royalty rate determination from an economic perspective. Specifically, it discusses FRAND royalty calculations in light of the ‘present value- added’ approach. The ‘present value-added’ method hinges the concept of value on the ability to generate future earnings. The method can also be […]
A Valuation Perspective on the Proportionality of the FRAND Injunction issued in Unwired Planet vs Huawei

A Valuation Perspective on the Proportionality of the FRAND Injunction issued in Unwired Planet vs Huawei On August 26 2020 the UK Supreme issued a landmark decision in the matter of Unwired Planet vs Huawei. The decision revolutionised the debate on standard essential patents as the Court confirmed that a Global FRAND (fair reasonable and […]
The Metaphors of Globalization and Trade: An Analysis of the Language used in the WTO.

The Metaphors of Globalization and Trade: An Analysis of the Language used in the WTO. This research project examined the metaphors of Globalization and trade in the context of current asymmetries prevailing between high- and low-income countries. As a theoretical underpinning we used historical discourse analysis which views language as a social activity through which […]
Of War and Peace. Analyzing the International Intellectual Property Discourse.

Of War and Peace. Analyzing the International Intellectual Property Discourse. This study analyzes underlying themes of the international policy discourse on Intellectual Property (IP) and in this sense raises awareness on common pitfalls currently associated with international policy making in the area of innovation. Methodologically it is situated within the domain of discourse analysis, which […]
Can Intellectual Property Diplomacy be More than War by Other Means?

Can Intellectual Property Diplomacy be More than War by Other Means? The Implementation Game, the TRIPS Agreement and the Global Politics of Intellectual Property Reform in Developing Countries seeks to assess the global political dynamics prevailing in the post-TRIPS era. She analyses multilateral IP diplomacy from 1995 to 2007 to better comprehend the relationship between […]
Not starting in sixth gear: Assessing the Use of Soft Law by the Global Compact as a Governance Structure for Corporate Social Responsibility.

Not starting in sixth gear: Assessing the Use of Soft Law by the Global Compact as a Governance Structure for Corporate Social Responsibility. The practical difficulties with employing hard law at an international level have resulted in softer codes of conduct stepping in to fill the void. The United Nations Global Compact is amongst the […]
Perceptions of Intellectual Property: A Review.

Perceptions of Intellectual Property: A Review. In “The right to good ideas: patents and the poor”, The Economist depicts two driving forces in the contemporary discourse on IP and globalization. The one is interested in advancing the knowledge economy, an approach based on the belief that knowledge is the driving factor behind economic growth. The […]
Financing innovation in the developing world

Financing innovation in the developing world Financing innovation remains a challenging undertaking. While it is not only a societal aspiration, but also an economic requirement, the necessary financial products and institutions to provide the much-needed funding to turn valuable ideas into marketable assets are insufficiently developed. This holds even more true in developing countries, where […]
It’s Time to Rethink IP Education

It’s Time to Rethink IP Education Further interdisciplinary training on IP management is vital if the full potential in IP rights is to be realised. What is needed is a master’s programme that helps to overcome current educational shortcomings. Read More