Intellectual Property Valuation Management at OxFirst helps you manage all intangible assets and expressions of the human intellect. Most formally, these are protected through patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, protection against unfair competition and data rights.
Businesses all over the world are worth far more than the total sum of the physical assets that they have. A very crucial aspect of their valuation process is working out the valuation of all their Intellectual Property. Intellectual property assets need to be valued to improve the overall management of the company, assure good investor relations and enable a firm to take advantage of all its assets, be they tangible or intangible in nature. For high-tech and pharmaceutical companies, it is even more important to find out the value of their Intellectual Property. The same holds for big brands, such as Coca Cola for example. This is because, for them, the lion’s share of their value is through their Intellectual Property assets. Due to this, OxFirst is actively involved in shaping IP valuation regulations and standards around the world.
Intellectual property assets are products of a company’s Research and Development efforts, its reputation and inventiveness and are classified as intangible assets. This category of non-physical assets is protected by the Law against unauthorized use. They are a company’s unique creation and a significant driver of its value. With a global shift towards a more technologically inclined economy, it is important to determine the value of a company’s IP assets, grasp its economic importance, and have a system in place to manage it all. Establishing the IP assets valuation is important because it helps determine licensing rates, sales, infringement worth and even the transfer price of IP assets.
A crucial aspect of business strategy is Intellectual property management. This means dealing with the handling and treatment of patents, copyright, data rights, trademarks, trade secrets in a strategic and cash-oriented manner. From day one, when IP is being generated, it is important to assess the potential economic return of the patented invention. After all, tiling for an application and prosecution of the IP rights is a lengthy and often expensive process and you want to assure the maximum return of your efforts. An IP valuation can help you achieve that. As your intellectual property matures, an intellectual property valuation can be an important management pillar because it allows you to track product performance and put it in relation to intellectual property protection. It can subsequently provide insights on what intellectual property to hold closely on to, what to abandon and what to leverage for collaboration and exchange with other firms. A clear IP valuation and management service can help improve and increase the efficiency, collaboration, and productivity of your firm.
Actionable insights using information
You can make better decisions with access
to powerful analytics that is integrated with your your IP Management system..
Optimize the flow of your information and communication.
With a dedicated IP Management approach,
you can improve the communication with stakeholders, shareholders, the Chief
Financial Officer and helping them establish end-to-end collaboration and
reduce the risk of inefficiency.
Offer Additional context.
You can help offer context for the IP
management decisions and simplify your portfolio management with access to a
seamless range of IP solutions.
Smart docketing for maximum operational efficiency.
You can optimize the efficiency and automate the process helping you reduce the time wasted and allowing you and your team to focus on more strategic activities.
Task Management streamlined.
With tailored task management, you can manage the high volumes of activity across your portfolio.
Talk to us about the challenges that you face when it comes to your Intellectual Property valuation Management!
We will be more than happy to help guide you through the process.
Intellectual Property Valuation Management services refer to the services where we offer a comprehensive system that will help you manage all intangible assets of the human intellect as well as things like copyrights, patents, and even trademarks.
Intellectual property assets are products of a company’s research and development efforts, its inventiveness, reputation and creativity and are classified as intangible assets. It is important to put a value on them because it helps determine licensing rates, infringement value, sales and even the transfer pricing of IP assets.
The process of assuring maximum financial returns of patents, copyrights, trademarks, data rights, trade secrets is referred to as IP management. Core to IP management is looking at intellectual property in a business-oriented manner.
A clear IP valuation and management service can help you enhance the economic success of your company or help you assure that you pay a reasonable rate for third party intellectual property. It assures enhanced financial returns, improves investor relations, allows you to enhance your wealth, save taxes or simply enhance your reputation.
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