Developing for the European Commission a Pan European IP Management Guide
In industries such as the fashion, shoe or furniture industry there is little known about IP and how to manage it to extract value. The European Commission recognized this as a major gap and launched a project worth five Million Euro so to develop adequate guidelines and awareness on how to maximize the worth of IP in those industries, while at the same time minimizing costs of piracy.
Our Approach
We prepared a comprehensive guidebook that was translated in 15 different languages that helped particularly SMEs understand better the role of IP and how to manage it for their advantage. In a second step we ran pan-European wide trainings on IP strategy and management and helped firms particularly in Eastern Europe understand better the value proposition of IP.
This initiative was an important contribution to Europe’s innovation agenda and helped Europe significantly to use IP as an engine of growth.
"Dr Roya Ghafele was deeply involved in winning for this project of 5.9 Million Euro, funded under the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission. As the principal author of four distinct handbooks on IP management in the textile industry, she proved herself as a hard worker, solid writer and gifted lecturer; who is intimately familiar with IP."
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